West Ridge Academy’s Outpatient Counseling Program provides individual, family, and group therapy options for adolescents and young adults in need of additional support.

We specialize in youth and Young Adults
Adolescence and young adulthood bring with them their own set of challenges for many teens. Family connections may become strained as teenagers seek to assert their individuality and personality. Mood disorders and other mental health issues commonly appear for the first time following the onset of puberty. Experimentation or anxiety may accompany the journey of figuring out who you are, resulting in the need for healthier coping skills and additional support. West Ridge Counseling is here to help!

 Outpatient Therapy is ideal for families dealing with:

  • Communication problems
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Divorce
  • Attachment issues
  • Substance experimentation
  • Problems with pornography
  • Academic issues
  • Poor peer influences
  • Depression
  • Self-injurious behavior
  • OCD
  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Abuse
  • Grief
  • Other mental health issues that require help outside of the family’s resources or skill set.

Individual & Family Counseling
West Ridge Counseling specializes in individual and family therapy for clients ages 8-25, but we are happy to consult with adults 26 and older to see how we might be able to help. Individual therapy typically consists of a meeting with a therapist for 60 minutes once a week, but details can be tailored to the client’s individual needs. We also offer family therapy as needed to help improve communication and to strengthen the client’s day-to-day support system.

Group Therapy
West Ridge Counseling provides various support and psycho-educational groups throughout the year. Group therapy is a great way to learn new skills and to remind the client that they are not alone. Please contact us for details of our current group options.

Medication Management
Clients ages 9-17 participating in West Ridge’s Outpatient Counseling Program may qualify for medication management through our on-site medication provider. Our medication provider can typically see a client within two weeks and will work directly with your therapist to provide the best collaborative care.

Call (801) 282-1000 to set up a free consultation during normal business hours. Monday-Friday 9 am - 5 pm.