What makes West Ridge Academy’s Residential Therapy Program unique?

Our residential treatment program offers a campus environment created with the intent to model a healthy and safe home environment. Our residents attend an accredited school, participate in various intramural sports, and engage in recreational therapy. Each student receives individual, family, and group counseling from our licensed mental health therapists. This individualized treatment approach helps struggling teens to find aid and restoration.

Learn more about our Residential Therapy clinical modalities:


Our Day Treatment Program utilizes a Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills model.

DBT model

DBT is a type of cognitive-based therapy that focuses on developing four main skills sets:

  • Mindfulness: Developing the ability to fully experience the present moment without preoccupation on the past or fear of the future.
  • Emotion Regulation: Learning how to label, understand, and control emotions.
  • Distress Tolerance: Pulling together a collection of coping skills that help you deal with stress in a healthy way.
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness: Improving personal relationships through assertive and healthy communication.

Stated in everyday terms, DBT Skills can help adolescents to better control their mood, avoid unhealthy habits and addictions related to substance abuse, sex, or self-harm, get along better with parents and peers, and experience an overall feeling of improved well-being and life satisfaction.

To learn more about Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills, please click on the link:
DBT Skills List

Our approach is ideal for:

  • Boys and girls who are troubled and within ages 9-17. West Ridge Academy has separate boys’ and girls’ campuses on its 50-acre property.
  • Struggling youth with mental health and behavioral problems that make it unsafe or unproductive for them to continue with a lower level of treatment. 
  • Adolescents with depression, bi-polar disorder, anxiety, substance use, addiction, ADHD, family relationship problems, significant academic decline, oppositional defiant disorder, trouble with adoption or attachment, self-harm, or other mental health issues which require a higher level of intense treatment, structure, supervision and accountability over a longer period of time for a long term change.

Residential Therapy pricing varies depending on individual needs.

Call our admission specialists for complete details about the program and pricing.

(801) 282-1000